Monday, June 11, 2007


I woke up a few days ago with a scratchiness in my throat that indicated my worst fear. Ned is trying to make a comeback. I've been downing green tea non stop and eating more soup than I ever have in my life. I even down Nyquill before I go to bed. I have a four day weekend coming up and I do not want to be sick. The only thing worse than spending a day off being sick is having to spend a sick day actually being sick.

Hopefully, this will all go away soon. I'm reading this book, "Wild Seed," where one of the main characters, Anyanawu, can heal herself and others. She can look inside her body to see what's wrong and fix it, so to speak. How I wish I had that power. I would gladly blink away the stuffy nose, the sneezes and this persistent cough. Ah well. Time for some more tea.


Anonymous said...

Aw no! Tell Ned it's over!

Strength/Courage/Wisdom said...

I'm trying, Juicy. I'm trying!

...they call me "L" said...

Pobrecita!! Hope you feel better...

Motownrunner said...

i don't like ned. don't send him my way!! and i'll send healing vibes your way.